Fund Administrators / Managers
With ever increasing Regulatory reporting requirements, Fund Administrators and Managers need to keep on top of new legislation and changes to existing regulations to ensure they remain compliant. Dorey Financial Modelling (DFM) collaborates with and supports Fund Administrators and Managers to provide their clients with clear, precise and accurate fund information, particularly in relation to Key Information Documents (KIDs) for PRIIPs.
The underlying calculations for PRIIPs can be complex and, especially in relation to more complex funds, an understanding of both the assets and liabilities is key. As independent investment Actuaries, DFM have decades of experience in evaluating the financial risks associated with assets and liabilities and how this impacts a fund’s risk rating.
Key Information Documents (KID) for PRIIPS
Since the 1st January 2018, manufacturers of Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) have been required by the EU to produce a new Key Information Document (KID). All KIDs require close collaboration with the product manufacturer to reflect their views of market practice, and their expectations on risk, returns and costs. Dorey Financial Modelling has significant experience as a specialised investment actuarial firm and has the ability to deliver basic as well as very demanding KIDS.