Key Information Documents (KID) for PRIIPS
The PRIIPs regulations aim to help investors understand and compare the key features of a packaged investment or insurance product including risk, rewards and costs of different PRIIPs, through a consumer-friendly information document. The underlying calculations that feature in the document can be complex, however. Product categorisation, the range of financial outcomes, and costs and factors such as currency fluctuations, private equity and fund wind-up dates require careful consideration and discussion with the product manufacturer.
Penalties for not complying with the regulations can range from being prohibited from marketing the PRIIP to receiving a significant fine. All new funds and all funds undertaking consumer marketing will need to comply with the new KID requirements. Dorey Financial Modelling works closely with the manufacturers of the KIDs to ensure the calculations are both an accurate reflection of the underlying product and adhere to the regulations.
Dorey Financial Modelling works with international administrators and fund managers based in Canada, the USA, Europe and South Africa to provide the underlying PRIIPs calculations for a number of complex and non-complex funds