Scheme Membership Modelling
DFM has worked with a number of FTSE 250 pension schemes and a top 3 charity to model their membership base. The aim of this modelling work is to ensure a good ‘fit’ between the fund performance, the risk profile and the profile of the membership base. This can validate whether the funds on offer are suitable for the membership base or not – a key regulatory requirement. DFM’s scheme membership modelling also extends to members as they transition from accumulating assets to decumulating assets, highlighting which funds are most suitable for the decumulation phase.
Case study
Punter Southall Defined Contribution Consulting
DFM worked closely with this leading pensions consultant to help a top 5 UK Charity develop a more robust default fund for members of their defined contribution (DC) pension scheme. After in-depth analysis, scheme membership modelling and future performance forecasting, DFM developed a bespoke blended default fund for this client. Since it was introduced, this new fund has already outperformed the original default fund, minimising performance downside and delivering a smoother performance journey for members.
What our clients say
‘We’ve always greatly valued the insightful analysis and comment Dorey Financial Modelling have provided on pension scheme member demographics and investment performance.’
Alan Morahan
Managing Director, PSAspire