Wealth Manager
In a low returns environment, a key challenge for Wealth Managers is to deliver excess investment returns above the cost of fees. Furthermore, increased market volatility has highlighted the need to regularly re-validate and re-calibrate clients’ risk profiles.
Dorey Financial Modelling can help Wealth Managers optimise investment returns through our proprietary economic models and asset allocation oversight. We can also help Wealth Managers develop robust attitude to risk questionnaires to ensure continued suitability for clients.
Economic Modelling
Macro economics and macro economic forecasting are important factors in investment performance. For example, global themes such as changing demographics, can have strong, systematic effects on fund performance. Fund managers who are gifted at stock picking may not always have the time or the skills to incorporate macro-economics into their investment process. This is where DFM is able to help. We have provided economic modelling analysis to a number of Wealth Managers over the past 20 years, and have developed a proprietary economic model that has delivered robust and accurate forecasts over a number of economic cycles.
Asset Allocation
Research has shown that over 80% of fund performance is driven by asset allocation. Making the correct asset allocation decisions, at the right time, is key to generating superior returns.
DFM helps a number of discretionary fund managers and wealth management clients with their asset allocation policies and decisions. We incorporate our proprietary economic models and principles of behavioural finance into our clients asset allocation recommendations, ensuring the performance of their portfolios is optimised across the economic cycle.
Attitude to risk (ATR) questionnaires
With markets experiencing continued volatility, it is increasingly important for Wealth Managers to regularly review and re-calibrate their clients risk profiles. Client risk preferences are highly correlated to market levels and can fluctuate considerably over the course of a market cycle. This highlights the importance of regular (ideally annual) risk reviews for clients to ensure continued suitability.
To address this, DFM has developed a short risk questionnaire tool that provides a rigorous scientific approach to validate clients risk profiles. With the obligation under MiFID II for Wealth Managers to undertake suitability checks on behalf of their clients for each transaction made, short, robust risk questionnaires will be a critical component of any Wealth Managers offering.