Asset Allocation
DFM helps a number of discretionary fund managers and wealth management clients with their asset allocation policies and decisions. We incorporate our proprietary economic models and principles of behavioural finance into our clients asset allocation recommendations, ensuring the performance of their portfolios is optimised across the economic cycle. Our asset allocation modelling is particularly useful in:
- Optimising risk and return across the economic cycle
- Establishing performance return estimates for different asset classes
- Ensuring the portfolios perform in line with their stated risk rating and objective
- Ensuring the asset allocation policy has the right ‘fit’ with the client base
Case study
Dorey Financial Modelling provide regular asset allocation advisory services and support to PSigma Investment Management. The Managed Portfolios that DFM advise on have consistently stayed true to their risk grade, delivering a risk and return profile 100% in line with the client’s own risk rating. The quality and comprehensiveness of the features and benefits offered by PSigma’s Managed Portfolio Service has been recognised by Defaqto, who have awarded PSigma a 5 star rating for their Bespoke and Managed Portfolio services. They are one of only 7 discretionary fund managers in the UK to be awarded 5 stars in these two categories for 5 consecutive years (2013-2017).
What our clients say
“We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Dorey Financial Modelling over the years, especially so on the re-launch of our Asset Allocation Tool, where DFM fully understood our new requirements. Our Investment Managers now use the Asset Allocator Tool on a regular basis to help assess overall suitability, encourage diversification and reduce portfolio concentration and correlation risk.”
Francine Keating- Psigma Investment Communications Manager